Sunday, March 29, 2009

2009 Season Planning


It has been a long snowy winter, but the robins and cardinals are back so it is time to begin the preparations for another summer of sailing and racing on our fair lake. Just yesterday I got a call from my skipper letting me know he was ready to get started on Red Witch's season prep including a new mast.

A meeting of the race committee is being organized for early April and as I know more details I will post them. It would be nice if we can get enough boats in the water to begin racing a bit earlier this year.

The 110 Class website has been transferred to a different webmaster as Marty Brown has been busy this winter at the famous Landing School learning more about boatbuilding skills and the trade. Eli Slater has taken over and is working to get all the pieces of the new site working. The forum is already up and getting hits so take a look if you have a chance, I've updated the links on the left side of this page. Amongst the links are blgs for other fleets that are active. There are some rumblings about 110 sailing in New London.

If you are interested in purchasing new hardware for your 110 please drop me a line at as I too will be investing in hardware and perhaps we can pool our purchases like some of us did on the mast purchase last fall making it more reasonable through the sharing of the shipping costs. I will in turn reach out to several vendors who may make the items we are looking for and see if we can get a deal on the purchase of these parts.

One other note that I wanted to share is that the organization responsible for racing rules has released its new Rules Book to cover 2009-2012. More information can be obtained by going to their website USSAILING.ORG.

Looking forward to seeing you soon and being out on the water.

Pete Cinq Mars

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about a 57/46-owned load cell? This is the year I'd like to lose some ugly weight between the chines...

